Stag night, last night. Got up with a bloody hangover. Lost count 7 shots. Pravin drank most of us under the table. And then, there were some of us his who left half their stomach contents at the Zouk. What a night. Hmm… we started at Prav’s place. Drinks and finger food to start us going on and then WHAM! A surprise for Prav for his last jaunt as a single man. VA-Va VOOM it was. I did say in a previous video that Brian and I wanted to get Ms Ris Low for the party but of course cannot lah. Havign said that, I don't think we did too badly for the party. Prav seemed pretty chuffed with the night when we left… actually, to be fair, Prav just had a silly grin on his face at the end. Maybe he was too off his face to feel anything. Poor Caleb, though, he was one of the designated drivers for the night. Ok, so we will have to make it up to him and he gets stupid drunk at the dinner…
Oh help am really ill. Luckily the wines and alcohol have been arranged to be delivered to The Pod tomorrow. Just have to make sure we have enough of it.
Now, back to nursing my hangover. Black coffee… or maybe Bloody Mary as chaser…?
Sounds a lot wilder than the Hen Night huh